Introduction: Distinguishing MASQUELIER’S® original ingredients




A decade ago in 2009 the founder of I.N.C. Bert Schwitters, put it as follows:

“The industry today uses the terms “OPC” and “grape seed extract”, attempting to express the alleged quality of numerous products in this product-category using terms such as “OPC” percentage and ORAC value. In the race to impress consumers and boost sales, a number of manufacturers abuse and misrepresent these criteria and misrepresent their products by using these criteria. By doing so, all products in this category have now become indistinguishable, as they are basing their claims on arbitrary information.

Today, many grape seed extracts are presented as containing 90 or 95% proanthocyanidins and producing high ORAC Values. In reality, the labels of these products hide contents that differ very much in concentration and composition. Yet, they’ve become indistinguishable “look alikes”, misleading the consumer to believe that all these seemingly similar products will have more or less similar effects. Further, the values indicated on most labels are false.

If, today, I.N.C. and distributors were to express its MASQUELIER’s® products in the values used by its competitors, we would negate MASQUELIER’s®-specific science, worth many millions of euro’s.”

Fast forward to today and we learn that not much has changed. With the expansion of the supplement markets and the internet, confusion in the field of OPCs, grape seed extracts and pine bark extracts is perhaps greater than ever and looks likely to get worse.

In the face of all this confusion and disinformation, this document gives you the most up-to-date communication guidelines in terms of helping you to highlight the distinctive and genuine MASQUELIER’s® ingredients in your markets.

Obviously, use of the statements in local markets may require modifications in order to make them come across correctly, or meet regulatory guidelines. Please note that in some instances, more common, consumer friendlier terms were intentionally avoided to maintain our unique strengths. It is therefore advised to check with someone at I.N.C. during the development phase of promotional materials, and when using
and making adaptations to the copy presented in this document.

By combining our efforts in distinguishing the MASQUELIER’s® ingredients and products we are confident we can continue MASQUELIER’s® success and bring the original ingredients to many more people around the globe.


Pim Schwitters
Sales and Marketing Director for I.N.C.


Communication Guideline 2019

Introduction: Distinguishing MASQUELIER’s® original ingredients

Chapter 11: MASQUELIER’s® Seal of Authenticity

Chapter 12: Comparing ORAC values, percentages of OPCs, methods of Extraction, etc